Apologies for no posting from Dec 06 - Feb 07
Hi to All who care to visit this blog,
Apologies for the inactivity for the past few months. Many things have gotten into my path of blog-writing but I'm determined to continue blogging in the near future.
Last Dec and January '07 were spent in overhauling certain parts of my business and attending some important family functions.
My dear brother's wedding:

My dear nephew, in a mischievous moment:

February I had to serve my beloved country of Singapore via a 2-week reservist training, though extremely disruptive to my businesses, I had to serve it 'cos I love Singapore! It sure feels awkward to be in No.4 Army Uniform after a lapse of several years! I was even chided by an Army Warrant Officer for putting on a velcro-type name tag on my uniform, not very professional according to him. But he never bothered to question me why I didn't put on my rank... he..he.. Think he also play-acting. :)
The unexpected heavy flooding in Jakarta also meant I had to delay business plans till early March. Sure hope more positive things will happen in Jakarta and the whole of Indonesia!
The latest airplane tragedy by Garuda in Jogyakarta, Indonesia confirms what I had mentioned in my blog on 16 October, 2006. Please read it if you haven't.
More stuff on the way to you. Cheers!
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