Politics: “I’m truly sorry….” says SBY
Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, a.k.a. SBY, has apologized to neighbouring countries in South East Asia for causing air pollution and unnecessary stress due to heightening levels of haze originating from burning spots in the largest Muslim-populated country of the world.

"I'm sorry." Straight from the heart, but the head says another thing.....
SBY’s action is apparently a gesture to seek forgiveness, as practiced by Muslims before the start of the Islamic New Year, where most Indonesians get to enjoy a 1-week break from work.
(A bit of digression here: Some friends in Jakarta have gone to the neighbouring city of Bandung to do shopping or to the highlands at Puncak for chalet-type holidays. Both places are within 3 hours’ journey from the capital, provided there’s no “macet” ie.traffic jam. For me, it’s back to Singapore to take care of some businesses.)
This official apology has been well-received by Singapore and Malaysian political leaders, although I don’t understand why our MM Lee KY wanted to praise him in the light that no concrete action has been taken by the Indonesian government thus far, just plain talk it seems.
Remember the Tsunami disasters in Banda Aceh, Sumatera, not too long ago? Hasn’t it been agreed that the Indonesian government shall put in place precautionary or early-warning measures in various parts of tsunami-proned regions so as to avoid a similarly devastating disaster? Have they done anything concrete so far? From what I know, they’ve been giving reasons or excuses as to why they have problems implementing the measures. Or is it a way to press for more funds from humanitarian groups or rich countries?! I do really fear for the next tsunami that will hit Indonesian shores. Touchwood!
This type of double-talk game is not uncommon in this part of the world. Indonesia is somewhat similar to China. The central government does the legislation but it is still up to the local regional leaders to fully implement it.
Who are the people burning the jungles? I don’t think it’s just simple, common folks who want to clear land for a living. Business conglomerates might be at work here, some of which do wield sizeable political influence. The powers of darkness which create the haze will still be there even after the burning spree ends with the arrival of the monsoons. This is the root of the problem. Hopefully our well-revered political leader can see through the haze.
I predict SBY will apologise for another 2 years before his presidential term ends in 2009.
Mark my word.
Interesting piece of article......
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