Health :Your Body's Time Clock
As I age, I began to be more sensitive as to how I should protect my own body and listen to its groans and dissatisfaction. I no longer allow my family doctor to supervise my life. This job is best left to myself.
Why? Your doctor will never know what you've been eating or doing on a regular basis. He/She is merely a detective. Many times doctors have to extract information from you before they can confirm a diagnosis.
Only you yourself know your own little bad habits which may endanger you in time to come. Or you might have experienced that subtle pain in your chest when you wake up every morning or if you are female, maybe you should have paid more attention to that little innocuous hard spot that appears on your breast.
It's my hope that you'll be more responsible for your own body and own health too.
Read below and take heed. I believe these information are true and the tips given should be treated with much respect if you really care about your health. Do pass this to your dear family and friends too.
For me, I'm determined to sleep early from hence forth. Cheers!
Your Body's Time Clock
*9 - 11 pm - lymph detoxes! Not a time to work!
Click here to understand all about this very important body defence system in simple language.

This is a very important time as your body starts its own maintenance program or what is commonly called detoxification progress. You should be relaxing or listening to soothing music at this time. Also a good time slot for couples to spend time together, not after 11pm or else they can have intimate moments in the early morning. If you still feel stressed or are concentrating on some work within this period, it's not good for health.
*11 pm - 1 am - liver detoxes!
All detoxes are best accomplished in a deep sleep and on an empty stomach. WHY? BECAUSE THE BODY CANNOT DETOX AND DIGEST FOOD AT THE SAME TIME. One more reason to eat breakfast and NOT eat during the 4 hours before going to bed. If you can't sleep, it'll still do good to you to lie on the bed. The liver becomes flatter and goes into a "relaxed" state, with no need to resist gravity.
*Midnight - 4 am - bone marrow produces blood
*Twenty minutes after going to sleep, the pituitary gland releases Human Growth Hormone (HGH). However, it will not do this if sugar (this includes alcohol) is consumed prior to sleeping. After the HGH is released, it is processed in the liver, which helps regenerate the body.
*1 - 3 am - gallbladder detoxes
*3 - 5 am - lungs detox
This explains why people have their worst bout of coughs within this period. Detoxification has progressed to the lungs, try not to take any cough pills or syrup. Let the process continue and hopefully the bad things would be purged from the lungs.
*5 - 7 am - elimination of toxins from the colon. Best time to pass motion.
*7 - 9 am - small intestine absorbs nutrients. Best to have breakfast before 7:30 am
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